Support Rawcus with a Donation.

It’s our 23rd Birthday please help us celebrate by making a donation today.

We can’t thank our community enough for their generous support of Rawcus. There is absolutely no doubt that our work is only possible due to the generosity and encouragement of our wonderful supporters.

It’s been a momentous year for Rawcus, full of celebration and transformation. The company bid a fond farewell to the founder and former Artistic Director Kate Sulan, and welcomed two new Co- Artistic Directors Katrina Cornwell and Morgan Rose who have been thriving in their new roles since July 2022. This significant moment of change has been met with renewed energy, passion and commitment by the Ensemble. Together they have been exploring new artistic territory building on our 23-year reputation for making exceptional award-winning theatre, arts and cultural experiences.

Rawcus continues to thrive as a leader in both inclusive arts practice and artistic innovation. Our major work Here We Are Amongst You enjoyed a sold-out season and was nominated for two Green Room Awards, and we presented When the Human Engine Waits, in collaboration with renowned projection artist Yandell Walton at the State Library Victoria as part of the Midsumma Festival 2023. This new public work was witnessed by thousands of people, many of whom experienced the joy of Rawcus work made and presented by diverse artists. During our busy year we also toured our installation-based experimental work Portal to the Science Gallery Singapore as part of the exhibition MENTAL; presented In the Making, a collaboration with photographer Pia Johnson in both Darebin and the City of Port Phillip; mentored It’s no Drama, an inclusive theatre company in South Gippsland by supporting them to develop their arts practice; collaborated with Western Edge in an artistic exchange; danced our hearts out with All the Queens Men at a performance event for older LGBTQIA+ people and undertook many more workshops, creative developments, exchanges and even created a podcast for the Victorian Seniors Festival.

And now our Ensemble are dreaming BIG about making a brand new major show. We can’t wait to tell you more about it, but needless to say it’s classic Rawcus, and will showcase the unique interests and talents of our Ensemble. What we can tell you is this: our new work sees the Ensemble re-imagining a famous short story and may feature snow, the song Dancing Queen, and period costumes. We’re reaching out to you as we need your help and ask you to make a donation in order to realise the Ensemble’s work.

There are 3 easy ways to donate to Rawcus
2. DIRECT DEBIT – Account number 408168 BSB 033169 Account name: Rawcus Theatre Company Inc. and email us so we can forward receipt
3. CHEQUE – Cheques should be made payable to Rawcus Theatre Company Inc. and post to Jacque Robinson Rawcus General Manager PO BOX 2206 West St Kilda 3182

Donations to Rawcus are tax deductible.

Lots of love,

