

On 31 March, 2011, a flashmob of 400 people descended on Federation Square. Conceived by Rawcus and directed by Kate Sulan – Rawcus Artistic Director and Clair Korobacz – One Step at a Time Like This. The flashmob involved individuals and groups from across Victoria. The Flashmob is part of the Youtube Project a series of short films by Rawcus and FOG Theatre made for YouTube broadcast. Funded by the Department of Human Services (Southern Region), the films are being made throughout 2011.

Included performers from Rawcus, City of Port Phillip, FOG Theatre, Family Dog Theatre, DVA, Boilover, City of Voices, Access Theatre, Rollercoaster, Ignition, The Torch, Templestowe Hall Drama, NEAMI, Yooralla, Scope, Arts Access, Department of Human Services, City of Melbourne, City of Dandenong, Melbourne City Mission, Ringwood Secondary College, Lauriston Girls School, RMIT, Warringa Special School, Deaf Access, Arts Victoria, CAE, Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre, Interact, Wallara Australia – Life Options and Volunteering Victoria

photographer: Paul Dunn
