Kerryn Poke

I’ll be 42 this year in July 2022 I came from Davenport, Tassie, 1980, when Mum had me. I joined Rawcus 2003. Holding little house-Small odysseys 2011 2016 Present Tense…

Louise Riisik

I’ve been with Rawcus since it started and that is a long time.  I love performing with the group and acting and exciting stuff. I like to encourage people to…

Clement Baade

Clement Baade started his acting career at St. Martins Youth Centre back in 1991 as the Director’s right hand person. He joined Rawcus in 2000, he is also a Peer…

Michael Buxton

I am the actual leader of the pack in the Rawcus family and friends and like to help out with directors and artists. I have experience with jobs and being…